Why dark chocolate is good for you
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Here’s the proof. Life is too short to give up all of life’s pleasures, but sometimes just a little compromise can make a huge...
Aug 14, 20211 min read
What?? Low calorie fake fat makes you....fat?
Sometimes things just don’t go to plan. A great marketing idea. A weight loss product, complete with calorie in, calorie out research...
Aug 14, 20211 min read
What has soap got to do with diabetes and breast cancer?
OK, you think I just made up that headline to grab your attention? It isn’t really the soap that’s the centre stage problem here. It’s...
Aug 14, 20213 min read
Understanding endometriosis
Understanding endometriosis starts with a simple lesson in female anatomy. The uterus, or womb, is lined internally with a layer of cells...
Aug 14, 20211 min read
Sunshine is STILL good for you
I have written previously on the pitfalls of taking extreme medical advice in the belief that this advice will be good for health. Now...
Aug 14, 20211 min read
Sunscreens and Endometriosis
It’s becoming well known that certain chemicals that women come in contact with day- to-day can disrupt the delicate dance of our...
Aug 14, 20211 min read
Patience required. Did you know...
Those who are hyped and pumped after that evening run may need to do the huff and puff exercise before 3 pm and stick to gentle, relaxing...
Aug 13, 20211 min read
In defence of natural foods
More evidence in defence of saturated fats based in science from Dr. Karen: A comprehensive review of all the research and studies on the...
Aug 13, 20211 min read
How much sugar is too much sugar?
When I analyse the information from mainstream medicine research it sometimes surprises me as to how far from the healthy middle ground...
Aug 13, 20214 min read
Hormonal harmony – it’s all about balance
Tired, stressed out and over it. Partners hiding kitchen knives, breasts so sore they feel as if they will burst. Sound familiar? I hear...
Aug 13, 20211 min read
Go Nuts – it may save your life
Heart attack, stroke, cancer. Scary words. But read on to find out how one tiny change can dramatically reduce your risk of dying of...
Aug 13, 20211 min read
Foods that Kill (but only sometimes)
Food is meant to nourish, give us palatal satisfaction and provide a social focus for family and friends. What better way to spend Sunday...
Aug 13, 20212 min read
Food addiction - a new discovery on an old topic
Are you addicted to food? I mean really addicted, in the medical sense. Having a problem controlling the impulse to overeat or binge on...
Aug 13, 20211 min read
Breaking News – antibiotics linked with childhood obesity
The distinguished American medical journal JAMA has published a large study concluding a strong link between antibiotic use before the...
Jun 8, 20212 min read
When doctors stop practising evidence based medicine – the demonisation of butter
Research vs dogma More and more evidence is emerging which questions the decades of advice on what constituted a healthy intake of fat in...
Jun 8, 20211 min read
Movement for life
The connection between life expectancy and cholesterol has been publicised for decades, but now researchers have discovered an accurate...
Jun 8, 20214 min read
Alkalinity and good health
Food is the fuel we use to energise our bodies and support optimal wellness. A diet perfectly designed for humans to eat provides...
Jun 8, 20213 min read
Kryptopyrrole Disorder and the domino effect
Many of the chronic conditions that conventional medicine is unable to cure, such as auto immune diseases, anxiety, depression,...
Jun 8, 20212 min read
Pick the best of both worlds!
I often get questions about the use of natural therapies to aid in the treatment of serious medical conditions, such as cancer and the...
Jun 6, 20212 min read
Organic produce ‘better for you’
Organic produce is better for you than ordinary food, a major European Union-funded study says. The £12m four-year project, led by...
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